During the 10th Anniversary Faciliators Conference in Moscow last week I had the opportunity to work in a new language field. I actually like working with translators. Rather than tripping me up, I find that simultaneous translation makes me slow down. My expression naturally becomes more...
Last week I was in Moscow at the 10th Russian Faciliators Conference as one of the international guests. Although I never dreamed I would stand in Red Square, I had a fabulous time of teaching and learning in a field hungry for tools, techniques and ways to touch the heart.
In our planning, I...
This is traditionally the time of year when people take a pause to reflect, reset and renew. It is a time for new year’s resolutions, a time when hope springs eternal about the potential and possibility of the new.
And small wonder. In the Northern Hemisphere, December equinox marks...
Here is Part 3 of my new book chapter on the six perspectives and three waves of story. Find Part 1 here, and Part 2 here.
Story as a Resonance Tuner & as the Art of Practicing Humanity
In these days of social media likes, fake news and alternative facts, it’s easy to see...
Story as a Learning Practice & Process Partner
The human mind is organised around stories. We capture our experiences and make sense of the world through the stories that form our lens on reality. Since our knowledge is captured in story form, it makes sense to use stories as one...
This is my rewrite of a series of blogposts from 2017, formulated into a chapter for a new book being published in 2019. It comes in three parts, covering six perspectives I’m working with on the power of stories and what colleagues David Hutchens, David Drake and I call “The...
It was really only about three weeks ago that I finally learned how to spell the word privilege. It may take me much, much longer to really unpack the privilege I have. And it wasn't that I was unaware that I had any, but that my life and work are bringing me new ways to shine a light...
Have you ever felt embraced by a person or a place? I have that sense about Aotearoa/New Zealand, a place I came to originally in 1983 and spent almost 30 years discovering. I feel a deep connection to this land and she has a great sense of aliveness for me. I call her "she"...
It was an unexpected and heartfelt invitation from my friend and colleague Holger Scholz last year: "Let's do something together!". And somewhat later on: "I've really been feeling that we need to focus on what is underneath all the tools and methods. I think our retreat...
The pieces: 3 co-editors based in three different timezones, 45 co-authors located all over the globe, more than 600 pages of written material, 3 days, the dream of creating a book that will impact and uplift a field of practice, 1 host.
The result: A vibrant, connected, innovative...
I've been hosting an international Booksprint over the past few days. Around 40 authors are engaged in creating a Visual Facilitation Fieldguide, with the aim of both sharing their expertise and extending the field. While many authors are working virtually and checking in via...
My first deep immersion international experience came at 17, when I was an exchange student in Germany during my last year in High School. The biggest discovery I made was that there was more to difference than just language. Germans had a different perspective of life than I'd grown...